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How Candles Can be Incorporated into a Self-Care Routine

Self-care has been the focus of discussion for many, partially due to the shift in priorities during the pandemic and partially because many people have come to realize that taking care of the mind, body, and soul is one of the most important things you can do to maintain wellness. Although everyone’s self-care routine is different, people derive the same pleasure from dedicating time to themselves, especially when so much time is spent on other tasks. The first step in incorporating a self-care routine boils down to dedicating time everyday to put towards yourself, even if it’s being spent doing something seemingly insignificant. Doing an activity that boosts creativity, peace of mind, and increases serotonin can help contribute to establishing a routine that honors yourself and gives the care and attention many people are lacking from themselves. In this day and age, putting time and effort aside for oneself can be difficult to do with everyone’s day-to-day tasks, but doing so will help strengthen the relationship you have with yourself and how you perceive and value your worth.

Develop a morning/night time routine

Having a morning or night time routine can provide a sense of structure and stability to your day, as well as help you to focus on yourself and your well-being. It's important to make time in your schedule to prioritize self-care, whether it's taking care of your skin, doing yoga, or simply taking a few moments to listen to music and relax. By setting aside time for yourself, you can create a sense of calm and mindfulness that can carry over into other aspects of your day.

One way to enhance the calming effects of your self-care routine is to add ambient lighting to your space. Studies have shown that warm, cozy lighting can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, making it the perfect addition to a self-care routine. Rather than relying on harsh overhead lighting, consider using lamps or string lights to create a warm, inviting atmosphere in your space. Not only will this help to improve your mood, but it can also enhance the overall coziness of your space.

Another way to create a relaxing and productive space for your self-care routine is to prioritize organization and decluttering. When your space is cluttered and disorganized, it can create a sense of chaos and distraction that can interfere with your ability to focus and relax. By taking the time to declutter and organize your space, you can create a sense of calm and order that can enhance your self-care routine. You may find that having a clean and organized space helps to ease stress and anxiety, making it easier to focus on your self-care and other tasks throughout the day.

Bring aromatics into it

Aromatherapy—incorporated into a self-care routine—can have many benefits for both your wellness and mindfulness. Aromatherapy can be described as “the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic benefit. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries. When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain.”

Benefits of aromatherapy can include but are not limited to soothing pain, raising alertness, and being incorporated into skincare. Lavender, in particular, has been associated with reduced mental stress, while studies show that citrus fragrance “normalized neuroendocrine hormone levels and immune function and was rather more effective than antidepressants.”

One way to easily incorporate aromatherapy into your self-care routine is by lighting candles while doing it. Candles have been noted to have a “soothing effect that is based on how the brain processes smells. The smell of scented candles stimulates our limbic system, the part of the brain that is home to our memory and emotions. Hormones like serotonin and dopamine can be produced to help regulate mood.” Simply lighting a candle can add a layer of self-care that makes any sort of routine feel extra special.

Candles in a routine

In addition, candles are a wonderful addition to any morning or night time routine. The soft glow of a candle can help to create a sense of calm and relaxation, making it the perfect accompaniment to your self-care rituals. Lighting a candle in the morning can help to set the tone for the day ahead, while lighting one in the evening can help you wind down and prepare for a restful night's sleep.

When choosing a candle for your routine, consider the scent as well as the ambiance it provides. Certain scents, such as lavender, chamomile, or vanilla, are known for their relaxing properties and can help to create a calming atmosphere in your space. Other scents, such as citrus or peppermint, can be invigorating and energizing, making them a great choice for a morning routine.

To incorporate candles into your routine, consider lighting one while you do your morning skincare or makeup routine. The soft glow of the candle can create a peaceful ambiance, while the scent can help to energize or relax you, depending on your choice of fragrance. In the evening, light a candle while you take a warm bath or read a book before bed. The soft flicker of the candle can create a cozy atmosphere, helping you to unwind and drift off to sleep more easily.


Do something creative

Doing something creative is a great way to dedicate time to yourself while being productive and practicing self-care. Creativity can take many forms, including painting, drawing, writing, or crafting. All of these activities can serve as outlets for self-expression and help you discover new hobbies, emotions, and realizations.

Putting aside even just 10 minutes for expressing yourself creatively can be beneficial for your mental health. Engaging in a creative activity can help you reduce stress, quiet your mind, and provide a sense of purpose. You may find that creativity increases your overall sense of wellbeing and even offers a sense of accomplishment.

If you're not artistically inclined, writing can be a powerful option for creative expression. Journaling is a great way to release pent-up emotions and thoughts that may be weighing you down. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can also help you identify patterns in your thinking, gain insights into your life, and even spark new ideas or solutions to problems that may have been troubling you. Plus, the act of writing can be meditative and calming, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Incorporating candles into your creative routine can also be an excellent way to set the mood and create a sense of occasion. You could light a candle before starting your painting or writing session, for instance, to signal to your brain that it is time to focus and be creative. The simple act of lighting a candle can help to create a ritual around your creative practice, which can make the experience more meaningful and enjoyable.

Adopt a hobby or pursue an existing one

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks and forget about the things that truly bring us joy. Pursuing a hobby or adopting a new one can be an excellent way to practice self-care and prioritize our passions. Many people put off their hobbies due to time constraints or a sense of guilt that they should be focusing on other things. However, neglecting our passions can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and burnout.

Incorporating your hobby into your routine can be a great way to prioritize your self-care while still maintaining your other responsibilities. Whether it's taking a few minutes each day to practice an instrument or setting aside a specific day of the week for your hobby, making time for your passions can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Additionally, trying out new hobbies can be an exciting way to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.

Research has shown that people who engage in hobbies are less likely to experience stress, low mood, and depression. Participating in activities that get you out and about can also improve your overall well-being by increasing your happiness and reducing stress levels. Group activities such as team sports can also enhance your communication skills and relationships with others, providing an additional boost to your social and emotional well-being.

There’s arguably nothing more important than prioritizing your own well-being and taking time towards self-indulgence and enjoyment. Incorporating these methods into your self-care routine or developing your own is crucial to giving yourself the attention and care that you deserve.